Tuesday, January 26, 2010

According to TMZ...

Am I the only one who is sick of legitimate news organizations citing TMZ as a source in their entertainment-related stories?

Sure, in an age of new media, and lightening fast news dissemination, it's easy to rely on whatever second-hand, unsubstantiated knowledge you can collect to get the story out early.

But that doesn't mean the LA Times needs to publish a story solely based on TMZ reports.

In a time where reporters and news organizations alike are wondering why the public has lost its faith in the industry, and there is a prevailing idea that you can't believe what you read--take this as a small hint.

When you source a gossip site known for hounding and sensationalizing, a tabloid that doesn't get it right half the time themselves, you're only setting your publication up to look foolish and irresponsible.

Doesn't being a reporter first and foremost require just that, reporting. How about doing a little research and contacting your own sources?

Yet, even with the logical fortitude to know it is not good news gathering, tabloid journalism continues to seep into mainstream news with increasing prevalence.