-Kevin Smith directing
-Tracey Morgan
-Some funny moments in Redband trailer
-The name of the film
-Bruce Willis' accent
-No funny moments in theatrical trailer
-Especially the knock knock joke from trailer
-Written by the Cullen brothers, known for a catalog of canceled sitcoms, and DOA pilots.
-Smith has actually said on record that the film is,"not MY movie, [it's] a movie I was hired to direct."
Additional factors to consider:
-The working title was previously "A Couple of Dicks," and while that's pretty stupid as well, I'd definitely prefer it to "Cop Out."
-Seann William Scott
You be the judge.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
To see or not to see: Cop Out
Posted by
Caroline Attack
3:51 PM
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Ben Kweller to play at SEU
The University Programming Board will be treating St. Edward’s University students to a concert by musician Ben Kweller.
The show will be held March 26 on the Main Building lawn.
Kweller, now an Austin local, has gained notoriety for his high-profile festival performances and collaborations. His musical style blends numerous genres, including folk, country, indie and rock. Kweller’s most recent album, “Changing Horses,” was released in 2009. It was recorded in Austin and received widely positive reviews.
While the concert will be free, donations will be collected at the performance to benefit the American Red Cross. Students will also be able to contribute by entering a raffle for an electric guitar and purchasing custom event T-shirts and concessions.
UPB has hosted similar concerts in recent years with well-known musicians like Okkervil River and Bob Schneider.
UPB music coordinator Faith Chonko thinks it is important for UPB to coordinate these kinds of campus events for several reasons.
“There’s the typical answer that it’s Austin and music is important for the city, but I think also a lot of people can’t necessarily make it off campus or don’t have the funds to pay for a show,” Chonko said. “So we try to offer a free show with someone recognizable that they are going to enjoy.”
The show will also feature an opening act, which will be announced closer to the performance date.
Posted by
Caroline Attack
9:44 AM
Monday, February 15, 2010
SXSW iPhone App
South by Southwesters will have an easier go of it this year with a new iPhone app that lets registrants customize their personal schedules.
The app also has a news feed, some social networking functionality and a Google map component to help you with venue navigation.
For iPhone users, gone are the days of trekking through downtown with a faded print-out schedule that may or may not actually reflect the current, updated lineup of showcases. (Just reflecting on my high school days)
No word yet on if a version will become available for other smart phones.
As most of the showcase schedules are tentative right now, the events in my schedule are populating to the same days, but as details become available in the coming weeks, they should spread out to their intended dates and times.
Can't wait to test this baby out come festival week.
Check it out iPhoners: my.sxsw
Posted by
Caroline Attack
10:12 PM