Saturday, August 30, 2008

Batfest [Part II]

Today I spent several hours at Batfest registering voters with other Obama fans. In addition to the estimated 500 voters we registered, Batfest served as a fun afternoon for refreshments and people watching.

Local favorites like Boomerang Pies and Amy's Ice Cream had booths, along with all of the other typical vendors that surface at Austin events. I took particular advantage of the 1/2 price refills on carnival lemonade. Dueling stages at the north and south ends of the bridge featured bands to compete for festivalgoers attention.

Even the sweltering heat could not stop Austinites from coming out to enjoy the festivities, there were plenty of people in attendance. As the sun began to fall, and anticipation for the bats' departure grew, the crowd steadily widened.