Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Few of My Favorite Things [Democratic National Convention]

This year's Democratic National Convention was filled with show stopping speeches, snappy quotes, powerful personalities, and rabid delegates to boot. Below is my attempt to pick out the most entertaining pieces of this week in the mile high city:

#4 Quiet down Chris Matthews, Free Speech is alive and well in Denver! This week MSNBC chose to broadcast live from an outdoor studio outside of the convention, and the circus that gathered in the background was hilarious. From "RElegalize Marijuana" to "Impeach Bush" crowd members hoisted hilarious signs between the heads of Matthews and Olbermann. And the heckles were entertaining as well, with the best being from the familiar voice of Texas native and host of "The Alex Jones Radio Show," Alex Jones. "9/11 was an inside job!" could be repetitively heard at least 30 times during an interview between Chris Matthews and Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison. The racket was so loud that the crowd was moved to shout "O-bam-a O-bam-a" over and over again to try and drown out the voice of Jones. Matthews was livid, and made sure to stress just how crazy the man with the bullhorn was.

#3 Look out Cindy McCain, here comes Michelle Obama! Michelle Obama stepped into the spotlight with a speech that aimed to soften and humanize both herself, and her husband. AND, she looked incredibly stylish while doing so. I especially loved Thursday night's dress.

#2 "Hilary Clinton rocked the house last night!" Mrs. Clinton put on her game face and went all in for Obama. The crowd went wild, especially when she recited the words of Harriett Tubman:

"By following the example of a brave New Yorker , a woman who risked her life to shepherd slaves along the Underground Railroad.
And on that path to freedom, Harriett Tubman had one piece of advice.
If you hear the dogs, keep going.
If you see the torches in the woods, keep going.
If they're shouting after you, keep going.
Don't ever stop. Keep going.
If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.
Even in the darkest of moments, ordinary Americans have found the faith to keep going.
I’ve seen it in you. I’ve seen it in our teachers and firefighters, nurses and police officers, small business owners and union workers, the men and women of our military – you always keep going.
We are Americans. We're not big on quitting."

#1 "Its not because John McCain doesn't care, its because John McCain doesn't get it!" The pundits seemed to agree with the crowd, Barack knocked it out of the park at the mile high stadium Thursday night with soaring rhetoric, and a speech that lifted the American people up just as much as it tore the Bush-McCain playbook down. He managed to combine his famous inspirational style with a thick, specific message about what his slogan of Change really means.

Side notes:

  • MSNBC keeps interviewing Jesse Jackson with no mention of the "cut his nuts off" comment
  • Bill mouths "I love you" to Hilary
  • Biden shows us why he earned the VP slot
  • John Kerry "regrows a personality" and delivers an excellent speech
  • "Hi Daddy!!" Malia and Sasha have an adorable conversation with daddy via satellite
  • Firefox obviously doesn't understand that Barack Obama could very well be the next President of the United States. Thanks Mozilla for stubbornly highlighting both pieces of his name every time I choose to use them.