Wednesday, October 22, 2008

AFF Conference Diary

As a conference volunteer for the AFF, I had the opportunity to attend a diverse range of panels with some accomplished guests.

From young filmmaker panels to scriptwriting for video games, I watched as film and television titans elaborated on the creative production process.

Some observational highlights include:

Melissa Rosenberg, screenwriter of Twilight and Executive Producer of Dexter, spoke to high school students about keeping a series fresh and adapting a novel with a huge cult following into a film.

Greg Daniels, (left) creator of the office, blew Paul Lieberstein's (Tobey, The Office) cover and announced his presence to a room full of people. This inspired a small frenzy of fans to swarm him after the panel.

Giving directions to the Austin Club to John August, screenwriter of Big Fish, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride etc.

Phil Rosenthal, creator of Everybody Loves Raymond, joking that the creative process is fueled by a big breakfast.


Defiance Of God said...

Script Editor of Twilight. How cool is that.